Stop smoking

Smoking causes heart disease, stroke, lung disease and cancer. Stopping smoking is the single best thing that most people can do to improve their health, and it is never too late to stop. People who use a stop smoking service are four times more likely to succeed in stopping smoking than those who try and quit on their own.

  • Kick-It

    Kick-It provides a free, evidence-based service for all smokers who would like support in giving up. All clients receive six weeks of 1-1 support from a specialist stop smoking advisor who will tailor their support to each individual. They run stop smoking sessions from a variety of locations locally so that it’s never too difficult for a smoker to get the help that they need. Your local library, GP and pharmacy likely have a Kick-It advisor running a clinic from within their walls.

    0203 434 2500



  • Stop Smoking London

    Stop Smoking London provides a helpline where smokers can access trained advisers who work closely with them to understand their smoking habits and help them find the best possible ways to stop for good. Some smokers are directed to local services, while others get ongoing telephone-based support, making the service easy, convenient and personalised.
    It is open 7 days a week, including evenings, and is backed by an interactive website that is full of information, advice and support to help you stop smoking for good.

    0300 123 1044


  • NHS Quit smoking

    Quitting is much easier when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose from. Check out their advice, tools and tips.

    NHS: Quit smoking