Directory of Resources – People First
We can find ourselves needing to deal with legal issues and the legal system for all sorts of reasons. It can be daunting when you’re faced with legal documents or are drawn into the legal system, but there are plenty of places where you can go for legal help and advice. Here you’ll find clear information about your legal rights in relation to a wide range of issues, and about how to find and pay for legal advice if you need it.
Website & Fulham Law Centre
Provides free legal advice to residents of H&F, including matters of housing, immigration and asylum. They offer telephone advice and face to face sessions, and are located in Hammersmith Library.
First Floor, Hammersmith Library
Shepherds Bush Road
W6 7AT
0203 880 1727
Legal advice
Page published: 11 July 2024
Last updated: 12 July 2024