The Horn of Africa Disability & Elderly Association
Provides a drop-in centre for Somali people with disabilities. Extended outreach services, including a home visiting, befriending service and referrals to other agencies. They empower people from the Horn of Africa with disabilities and illness to assert their rights.
Southall Community Alliance
10 High Street
020 8567 2268
Horn of Africa Disability and Elderly Association (HADEA)The Asian People’s Disability Alliance
The Asian People’s Disability Alliance (APDA) is a user-led registered charity of Asian disabled people. Launched and active since 1988, APDA is a non-political, non-religious and non-profit making entity.
020 8459 1030
Website and the Local Offer
This site contains details about Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. It provides information about services that children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies, as well as news and updates about local events. Hammersmith and Fulham’s Local Offer includes:
• Early years and childcare provision
• Links to SEND provision within all schools
• How to request an Education, Health & Care (EHC) Assessment & Plan
• Health services
• Leisure activities
• Social care services, including short breaks
• Other educational provision
• Training opportunities
• Travel for children and young people to places of education
• Preparing for adulthood (inc. housing, employment, support)
Ealing Local OfferEaling HELP
This is an independent website created specifically for parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities in and around Ealing. It is one of many projects running under the auspices of Ealing Mencap. Although focusing on Ealing, it provides people with information on the services available in the local area and provides a forum for sharing ideas and advice.
Ealing Mencap
Enterprise Lodge
Stockdove Way
Perivale UB6 8TJ
020 8566 9575
Ealing Advice ServiceElderly People with Disabilities
Bishop Creighton House provides care for older, vulnerable and disabled people as well as support for children and young people. They offer daily phone calls and visits; home safety and security checks and installations; major home adaptations; help with keeping fit after illness, mentoring programmes and employment and learning opportunities for young people with learning disabilities, and support to families with young children to make their homes safe and secure.
Bishop Creighton House
378 Lillie Road
020 7385 9689
www.creightonhouse.orgThe National Autistic Society
Provides support, information and pioneering services for autistic people (including those with Asperger syndrome) and their families.
0808 800 4104
National Autistic SocietyDirectory of Resources for Disability
A learning disability affects the way a person learns new things in any area of life. It affects the way they understand information and how they communicate. This means they can have difficulty understanding new or complex information, learning new skills or coping independently. Everyday activities like work, education and jobs around the house can be a challenge, and the person may experience prejudice from other people who don’t understand about learning disabilities, or feel lonely because they don’t have anyone to talk to about how they are feeling.
The People First site has information about the different types of learning disability, covers things that can make living with a learning disability easier, and lists support and services which can help a person with a learning disability to live a full and happy life.
Learning disabilities | People FirstCertitude – Support for People with Learning Disabilities and Their Families
Provides personalised support across London to people with learning disabilities, autism and metal health support needs as well as their families and carers.
0208 772 6222
020 3397 3033
Aims to improve the lives of people with a learning disability and their families. The services they provide range from round-the-clock care to helping someone join in with local leisure activities, providing advice and information on things like employment and education, helping someone to live independently for the first time, and even things like reporting a crime to the police. In a nutshell, they try to help in any area of a person’s life where they need support.
0808 808 1111
This exists to make this country a place where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else. They support disabled people, their families, carers and professionals.
0808 800 3333
Website to Maintain Independence – Hammersmith & Fulham Learning Disability Team
This is a joint health and social service multi-disciplinary team. They work to support adults with learning disabilities to maintain their independence in the community. The team consists of care managers, senior practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, therapists and admin staff.
Hammersmith and Fulham Learning Disability Team
Parkview Centre for Health and Wellbeing
Cranston Court, 56 Bloemfontein Road
W12 7FG
020 8383 6464
Help for people with learning disabilitiesEaling Centre for Independent Living (ECIL)
This is an organisation of disabled people working to eliminate the barriers preventing disabled people and their unpaid carers from living full and independent lives. They offer advice, information and can help you get what you need to live an independent life.
020 8840 8717
020 8840 3682
www.ecil.orgAdvice Services – Disability Advice Bureau
This is provided by Ealing Mencap and Ealing Centre for Independent Living. DAB’s pan-disability advice service offers assistance with: Form filling including benefit forms, blue badge applications, tax credit forms, retirement benefit, pension credit & miscellaneous forms. Debt advice, Challenging decisions, Housing advice, Charity applications, Mobility and equipment advice, Job applications, CVs, Locata bidding, Family support. DAB’s pan-disability advocacy service provides support to people with disabilities; their carers and families who may need support to understand their rights and ensure their wishes and opinions are heard.
020 8840 8573
www.ecil.orgEaling Specialist Advice Service
This provides advice and information to adult residents of the borough of Ealing (and young people aged 16+ going through transition) who have additional needs and carers/representatives of people who meet the criteria which can include: learning disabilities or learning difficulties, physical disabilities, mental health issues, sensory impairments, autistic spectrum conditions, long term health conditions, have age related needs and are aged over 50.
The ESAS service can also provide advice in the following areas:- housing, benefits, equipment, aids and adaptations, employment (eg. Access to Work, adjustments to the workplace), transport and travel (eg. blue badge, Motability and freedom pass applications), health and social care and personal budgets, disability rights. ESAS can direct clients who require legal advice to appropriate services.
135 Uxbridge Road
W7 3ST
020 8579 8429
07837 186 733
Ealing Advice ServiceThe London Adult Dyslexia Support Group
This is a free support group that meets every month.
www.dyslexialondon.orgThe British Dyslexia Association
This is the voice of dyslexic people. We aim to influence government and other institutions to promote a dyslexia friendly society, that enables dyslexic people of all ages to reach their full potential.
0333 405 4567
Website Mobility
ShopMobility is a scheme which lends manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs and powered scooters to members of the public with limited mobility.
ShopMobility UKShort Break Service for people with learning disabilities
A short break service means that people with learning disabilities who live at home with their families can go and stay somewhere else for a short period of time. This allows carers and other family members to take a short break from their caring role.The person with a learning disability will stay in specialist accommodation and will have their care and support needs met by full trained staff. During a stay staff will also help the person to use and develop the skills they need for everyday life, and to become as independent as possible.
Short breaks for people with a learning disabilityThe National Autistic Society
The National Autistic Society provides support, information and pioneering services for autistic people (including those with Asperger syndrome) and their families.
0808 800 4104
Website Active
Parents Active was set up to help support parents of children with disabilities. They hold forums, meetings and training days, and encourage families to be part of the wider community.
0208 748 5168
Website on Disability
Advocacy and welfare benefits advice.
020 7385 2098
Disabilities and learning disabilities
Page published: 10 July 2024
Last updated: 18 September 2024