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  • People First – Directory of Social Care and Community Services

    This is provided in association with the Adult Social Care teams of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster City Council. It aims to provide a wealth of information and resources covering the whole of the private, voluntary and public sector across the three boroughs.
    It acts as an ‘honest broker’ putting residents at the centre of choice and control and determining their own lives, so has been made as an easy-to-use source of information, ideas and services to help maintain independence and well-being. The site is aimed at the older adult population, people living with disabilities of whatever kind, and those who look after others. The website is also for the use of social care professionals, people working in health and care services, and anybody with an interest in adult social care issues.


  • Care Place

    CarePlace is a centralised directory for care and community services, information and guidance. It is mainly focused on Ealing and outer NW London, but contains thousands of useful services in other parts of London and beyond. It gives information about community and care resources, and contains a wealth of information and guidance on how to find the help you need.


  • The Family Information Service Directory

    This is a free, impartial information service for parents and carers of children and young people aged up to 19 (up to 25 years for those with additional needs). It lists childminders, nurseries, pre-schools, after-school care, activities for children and young people, children’s centres and toy libraries.

    Family information directory | London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

  • The Ealing Children & Family Directory

    This aims to help families navigate and make best use of services. It contains information about the local offer as well as children’s services, plus a “”Know How”” section that covers key information you may need as your child grows.


  • Directory of Mental Health Resources – People First: Mental Health

    Looking after your mental health – your mood and emotional wellbeing – is every bit as important as taking care of yourself physically. Keeping the mind active and having strategies to cope during difficult times in your life can help you to feel more positive and make good decisions for the future.
    Mental health conditions are very common. One in four adults will experience some kind of mental health problem over the course of a year, and for some people they can be long-term or recurring problems.
    If you are worried about your mental health, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s important to take care of your mental health, and seek help and support just as you would for a physical health condition – whether that means going to see your GP, finding a support group, or trying some self-help strategies.

    Mental health and wellbeing support and advice

  • The Counselling Directory

    This only lists professional registered counsellors and psychotherapists, you can use it to find one in your area.


  • Directory of Legal Services – People First

    We can find ourselves needing to deal with legal issues and the legal system for all sorts of reasons. It can be daunting when you’re faced with legal documents or are drawn into the legal system, but there are plenty of places where you can go for legal help and advice. Here you’ll find clear information about your legal rights in relation to a wide range of issues, and about how to find and pay for legal advice if you need it.


  • The Ealing Advice Service

    This is a tailored service for the residents of Ealing that provides free, high quality general advice and assistance in social welfare law across a range of areas including welfare benefits, landlord & tenant, homelessness, debt, employment, consumer, family and immigration.

    0300 0125 5464


  • Directory of Council Services

    The Council website has information on services for local residents- click on the “All Services” tab to bring up links to 24 different types of council service- from sports through to recycling.


  • Ealing Health & Social Care Self-Help Directory

    The Ealing Health Self-Help Directory is a resource for local people, their families and carers to find relevant groups that can provide support on physical and mental health issues, and related social needs. It is run by the Ealing Community and Voluntary Service, a charity that supports local community groups.

    Health & Wellbeing |  Ealing Directory

  • Directory of schools in H&F

    This site lists all primary, secondary, sixth form and special schools in H&F.



    This organisation supports voluntary sector organisations in H&F. Their website has useful links to active local groups and includes a searchable directory of local third sector organisations.

    20 Dawes Road, SW6 7EN

    020 7952 1230



  • Ealing Today

    The directory signposts you to: local associations, forums, education, places of worship, community groups and local government.


  • NHS

    This provides a comprehensive health information service with thousands of articles, videos and tools, helping you to make the best choices about your health and lifestyle, but also about making the most of NHS and social care services in England.
    The service directories helps you find, choose and compare health, support and social care services in England.


  • My Health London

    This was established as a London-wide directory of NHS resources, but also has links to self care advice and information.

    MyHealth London

  • SEND (Special Educational Need and Disabilities) Local Offer

    This site contains details about Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. It provides information about services that children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies, as well as news and updates about local events. Hammersmith and Fulham’s Local Offer includes:
    • Early years and childcare provision
    • Links to SEND provision within all schools
    • How to request an Education, Health & Care (EHC) Assessment & Plan
    • Health services
    • Leisure activities
    • Social care services, including short breaks
    • Other educational provision
    • Training opportunities
    • Travel for children and young people to places of education
    • Preparing for adulthood (inc. housing, employment, support)

    Ealing Local Offer

  • Women’s Directory – The Ealing Women’s Forum Directory

    This provides information, advice and support.

    Women’s Wellness Zone |  Ealing Directory