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Acute illnesses

Services helping people avoid hospital admission during acute illness.

  • The Community Independence Service

    This H&F based service brings together the skills and experience of different health and social care professionals to provide integrated care for patients who experience acute illness or need support to rehabilitate and improve independence.
    The team includes nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, mental health workers, rehab assistants, healthcare assistants, carers, doctors, pharmacists and support staff. Besides phone advice and visits, they liaise with Emergency Departments and pre-admission units. They offer a ‘Rapid Response’ service for urgent assessment or a ”Re-ablement” service for longer term problems, and accept referrals any health or social care professional, including based in secondary care.

    Phone (single point of referral)
    0300 033 0333

    Community Independence Service

  • Home Ward Ealing

    Helps people during a period of severe or sudden illness, or when they have been discharged from a general hospital, so they can recover and remain well at home. The service is for people aged 18 or over who live in the London Borough of Ealing or who are registered with an Ealing GP.

    020 8354 8585

    Rapid Response and Home First

Page published: 10 July 2024
Last updated: 11 July 2024