You can register with us by clicking on this link: REGISTER ONLINE
There is no regulatory requirement to prove identity, address, immigration status or provide an NHS number, in order to register. However, if you have ID, it may help ensure the correct matching of you to the NHS central patient registry, thereby ensuring any previous medical notes are passed onto your new practice.
For all children under 6 (other than newborns), we need to see copies of the child’s immunisation history (Red Book, or equivalent). If your child has had immunisations done privately or overseas, we still need to see the documentation so we can add this to their record.
Please note that we are only able to accept new patients who currently live within our practice boundary.
Please also note that you can only register your child with us, if one or more of the parents / guardians are also registered with us (or registering at the same time as the child).